Welcome to John Rudlin’s website!

Thank you for visiting.  The purpose of this site is not to try to get you to buy the Handbook – though you can if you want, via this link…

It has been continually in print since 1986 and is used by anglophone performers, teachers  and students all over the world.  There is a companion book, also available from Amazon, Commedia dell’Arte, a handbook for troupes, co-authored with Oliver Crick, which reveals how to set about creating a company, along with some histories of those who have.  Some (500+) have already helped themselves to both these books via bogus pdf websites.  This is a breach of international copyright law, but it is  impossible to trace those behind it.  Please don’t be tempted and respect the years of hard slog and research that have gone into these publications.

Latest publications are:

Full details and how to get 20% off by buying direct from Routledge at https://www.routledge.com/Commedia-dell-Arte-its-Structure-and-Tradition-Antonio-Fava-in-Conversation/Rudlin-Fava.


No, this update of the site is firstly to let you know that my knees have had enough so, regrettably, no more workshops on offer.  Secondly, I am clearing my desk and would rather make unpublished information freely available on the web than subject it to Fahrenheit 451!

So, do turn to The Other Publications page which offers further useful material for Commedia teachers and practitiones. Jacques Copeau is my second main area of research, and Strolling tells you about two volumes I have written on the history of the strolling player, and how to obtain them.

Any questions or suggestions? You can email me at rudlinjohn@gmail.com

which is linked to my personal address.